27755 HC2S3 Replacement Teflon Filter


The 27755 is a Teflon filter with smaller pore size (10 micron) that provides good protection against fine dust particles and salt (marine environments), but it has a slightly slower response than the polyethylene filter.



Length 5.08 cm (2.0 in.)
Diamter 2.54 cm (1.0 in.)
Weight 9.07 g (0.02 lb)

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related to 27755: 1

  1. Campbell Scientific offers two filter tips:

    • The HC2S3-L comes with a polyethylene filter that provides protection against fine dust particles, doesn't absorb or retain water, and offers a good response time.
    • A Teflon filter can be ordered separately (pn 27755HC2S3 Replacement Teflon Filter). This filter has a smaller pore size (10 micron) that provides good protection against fine dust particles and salt (marine environments), but it has a slightly slower response time than the polyethylene filter.

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