This product is not available for new orders. We recommend ordering: TGA200A.
TGA200 Trace-Gas Analyzer
Services Available


Upgrades are now available to operate the TGA200 with a thermoelectrically cooled (TEC) laser, enabling the TGA200 to no longer require liquid nitrogen refills. Upgrading a TGA200 requires a new TEC laser module, TGA200A Input Module, TGA200A Output Module, and TGA TEC software. Contact Campbell Scientific for more information.

The TGA200 Trace-Gas Analyzer measures trace-gas concentration in an air sample using tunable-diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). This technique provides high sensitivity, speed, and selectivity. The TGA200 is a rugged, portable instrument designed for use in the field. Common applications include gradient or eddy-covariance flux measurements of methane or nitrous oxide and isotope-ratio measurements of carbon dioxide.

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Detailed Description

Measurement Specifications

The typical 10-Hz concentration measurement noise is given as the square root of the Allan variance with no averaging (i.e., the two-sample standard deviation). This is comparable to the standard deviation of the 10-Hz samples calculated over a relatively short time (10 s). The typical 30-min average gradient resolution is given as the standard deviation of the difference between two intakes, averaged over 30 min. Values shown in Table OV7.7-1 are for ambient concentrations.

TABLE OV7.1-1. Typical Concentration Measurement Noise

Gas Wave number (cm-1) 10 Hz Noise (ppbv) 30-min Gradient Resolution (pptv)
Nitrous Oxide N2O 2208.575 1.5 30
Methane CH4 3017.711 7 140
Ammonia NH3 1065.56 6 200

The TGA200 multiple-scan mode can be used to measure suitable pairs of gases. Typical performance for some examples is given in Table OV7.1-2.

TABLE OV7.1-2. Typical Concentration Measurement Noise

Gas Wave number (cm-1) 10 Hz Noise (ppbv) 30-min Gradient Resolution (pptv)
Nitrous Oxide and Methane N2O 1271.077 7 140
CH4 1270.785 18 360
Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide N2O 2243.110 1.8 35
CO2 2243.585 300 6000

Typical performance for isotope ratio measurements is given in delta notation. For example, the δ13C for CO2 is given by:

where Rs is the ratio of the isotopolog concentrations measured by the TGA200 (¹³CO2/¹²CO2) and RVPDB is the standard isotope ratio (¹³C/¹²C). δ¹³C is reported in parts per thousand (per mil or ‰). The 10 Hz noise is the square root of the Allan variance with no averaging. The calibrated noise assumes a typical sampling scenario: two air sample intakes and two calibration samples measured in a 1-minute cycle. It is given as the standard deviation of the calibrated air sample measurements.

TABLE OV7.1-3. Typical Isotope Ratio Measurement Noise

Gas Isotope Ratio Wave number (cm-1) 10 Hz Noise Calibrated Noise
Carbon Dioxide δ¹³C only CO2 2293.881 0.15ppm >0.03ppm
δ¹³C 2294.481 0.5‰ 0.1‰
Carbon Dioxide δ¹³C and δ18O CO2 2310.686 0.5ppm 0.1ppm
δ¹³C 2310.347 1.5‰ 0.3‰
δ18O 2310.206 1.5‰ 0.3‰


Dimensions 211 x 47 x 55 cm (83 x 18.5 x 21.5 in.)
  • 78.6 kg (173 lb) with peltier-cooled detectors
  • 84.1 kg (185 lb) with LN2 detectors
Analyzer Power Requirements
  • 90 to 264 Vac
  • 47 to 63 Hz
  • 50 W (maximum)
  • 30 W (typical)
Heater Power Requirements
  • 90 to 264 Vac
  • 47 to 63 Hz
  • 150 W (maximum)


Note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.

Data Loggers

Product Compatible Note
CR1000 (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR295X (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)



TGA100A/200 OS v.2.2 (1.2 MB) 06-12-2009

Current TGA100A / 200 Operating System and TGA.CR9 program.  Requires the Device Configuration Utility to upload to the TGA system.

Note: This is for use with TGA Windows.

TGA Windows Patch v.2.2 (3.58 MB) 06-12-2009

This will patch upgrade TGA Windows 2.0 and 2.1 to 2.2.

TGA Windows v.2.2 (5.81 MB) 02-02-2018

TGA Windows software for use with the TGA100A / 200 system.

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