Celebrate with Us!

We're excited to announce the approaching shipment of the 100,000th CR1000 datalogger. Who will get the 100,000th CR1000? Before the bells, whistles, banners, and balloons, a lucky Golden Ticket will be sent to the organization that purchases this one-of-a-kind, 100,000th datalogger. Along with the CR1000, the Golden Ticket also guarantees you:

1 Hand delivery—The 100,000th CR1000 will be hand delivered to you by Campbell Scientific employees.
2 A free CR1000X—In addition to the 100,000th CR1000 ordered, you will receive a CR1000X, the next-generation datalogger that is replacing the CR1000—for free!
3 Lunch!When we deliver the CR1000, we’ll also take a group of you out to eat.
4 A swag bag—We’ll leave you with a few tokens of our appreciation.
5 Documented datalogger journey—Campbell Scientific wants to document the journey of this Golden Ticket datalogger, including your application and installation.

CR1000 measurement & control datalogger

Why the CR1000?

Why has the CR1000 become the gold standard for environmental dataloggers? Three things:

  1. Reliability—Since the CR1000 was released in 2004, less than 0.2% have been returned for warranty repairs. And these dataloggers are used in the most extreme climates on earth. 
  2. Flexibility—The CR1000 is used in more applications than we can list here: from weather to hydrology, structural to canal-gate control, research to operational applications. 
  3. Accuracy—What good is a measurement if significant details cannot be detected? The CR1000 has been cited in research publications more than any other datalogger.

And Now, the CR1000X!

The CR1000 has provided a successful solution for data collection for over 14 years, and now the CR1000X has stepped in (already at 2,000 units!) and provides the same great reliability, flexibility, and accuracy with even more features. Check out this blog article to learn how the CR1000X can meet your needs.

CR1000X measurement & control datalogger