39310 Replacement Temperature/RH Element and Cap for HygroVue 10


The 39310 replaces the sensor element, filter, and cap of a HygroVue™10 Digital Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor. Replacement can take place in the field—eliminating the downtime typically required for the recalibration process. The replacement ships with a calibration verification certificate and meets the specifications of the HygroVue 10.

The 39310 is plugged into a socket underneath the end cap and filter assembly. Campbell Scientific recommends chip replacement every two to three years, depending on the application.

Benefits and Features

  • Replacement chip reduces downtime and maintenance costs associated with sensor calibration
  • Replacement screen restores sensor to factory performance and airflow
  • Temperature and RH (relative humidity) elements traceable to NPL and NIST standards
  • Ships with calibration verification certificate



Note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.


Product Compatible Note
HygroVue 10


Sensing Element Sensirion SHT35 enhanced by Campbell Scientific
Sensor Protection Outer glass-filled polypropylene cap fitted with a stainless-steel mesh dust filter with nominal pore size of < 30 µm. The sensor element has a PTFE protective film with a filtration efficiency of > 99.99% for particles of 200 nm or larger size.
Weight 22.68 g (0.05 lb)

Relative Humidity

Measurement Range 0 to 100% RH
  • -NOTE- The accuracy figures quoted are the 95% confidence limits relative to factory standards.
  • ±1.5% (at 25°C, over the range 0 to 80% RH)
  • ±2% (at 25°C, over the range 80 to 100% RH)
Short-Term Hysteresis < ±1% RH
Additional Errors at Other Temperatures < ±1% RH (over -40° to +60°C)
Long-Term Stability ±0.5% per year (maximum drift in clean air conditions)
Reported Resolution 0.001% RH
Repeatability 0.05% RH (3σ noise level)
Response Time with Filter 8 s (63% response time in air moving at 1 m/s)

Air Temperature

Measurement Range -40°C to +70°C
-NOTE- The accuracy figures quoted are the 95% confidence limits relative to factory standards.
  • ±0.2°C (over the range -40 to +70°C)
  • ±0.1°C (over the range -20 to +60°C)
Long-Term Drift < 0.03°C per year
Reported Resolution 0.001°C
Repeatability 0.04°C (3σ noise level)
Response Time with Filter < 130 s (63% response time in air moving at 1 m/s)
Calibration Traceability NIST and NPL standards

Maximum Current Drain

Quiescent 50 µA
During Measurement 0.6 mA (takes 0.5 s)

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