by Jacqalyn Maughan | Updated: 05/23/2024 | Comments: 0
In our ongoing exploration of employee training in environmental monitoring, we turn the spotlight to the real-life experiences of those who have benefitted from Campbell Scientific's training programs. Today, we chat with Anca Tarcu, Senior Meteorological Officer at Met Éireann (The Irish Meteorological Service). Anca recently participated in a Campbell Scientific training course and was interviewed by Ramatoulaye Nabi, a marketing and communications specialist at Campbell Scientific.
I found the training to be very well structured, offering a perfect balance between theory, practical exercises, and breaks to allow for information absorption. It provided a clear and engaging learning experience.
Absolutely. I needed to gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter, transitioning from basic knowledge to practical application. The training program delivered exactly that.
As someone who manages a network of weather stations using Campbell Scientific loggers, modems, and sensors, the training filled in critical knowledge gaps. It helped me understand the inner workings of these units, allowing me to optimize their setup and select the most suitable equipment for future projects.
The training will empower me to make better choices when selecting parameters and equipment for future network deployments.
Absolutely! The training is tailored to customer needs, and the well-paced structure with a balanced mix of teaching elements make it highly effective.
For those without an instrumentation background, general training courses on weather sensors and their electronics would be particularly valuable.
I actively seek out relevant blogs, articles, and information on new monitoring technology being tested.
It highlighted how easily information can be grasped when presented with a proper foundation and practical applications tailored to the customer's needs.
The sessions on logger programming and integrating new sensors were incredibly useful and directly applicable to my work. Additionally, the examples showcasing various communication units and their applications were very insightful.
It's a comprehensive program that balances knowledge delivery with hands-on application, providing a strong foundation to understand, troubleshoot, and program loggers and modems, ultimately deepening your knowledge through practical exercises in sensor integration, logger programming for diverse measurements, and various data dissemination methods.
This interview with Anca provides a glimpse into the valuable learning experience Campbell Scientific's training programs offer. By investing in continuous learning opportunities, environmental monitoring professionals can stay ahead of the curve, enhance their skillsets, and contribute to their organizations’ successes.
Learn more about our training opportunities at our Customer Training page.
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