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Question/Topic Posted By Replies
Modbus RTU Jo 1
CR200X and strings in variables? Nico 2
Communicate USB port to C1, C2, G of CR800. kokihualpa 2
Link data from CR1000X to a web page osvaldojose 9
Raven XT IP address verification chendrix2 1
WindSonic4 NaN UZaH 1
Scheduled reports do not work well. Help!! nmaureira 0
window 10 pro version update to-ya farm 4
CR9000X ethernet connection to laptop Ema2017 3
Folders in USR iperez 2
CR1000 found connected to a 232/TTL conversor via com port. Is that necessary? Jackson.Lopes 3
RTMC Pro Formual Thein 0
Invalidate A Discrete Time of Data pah 1
modbus over TcpIp AmnonS 3
Migrate. sdf file (LNDB) Makada 0
Cannot set primary DNS on CR6 fedececca 2
CR6 ethernet communication ipantev 2
CR1000X vs. CR1000 period average measurement BFLyles 1
OpenVPN Support for CR300/CR310/CR350 meteotest 1
Loggernet 4.7 RTMC 5.0 freezing / cpu / memory useage issues WxRad 2
Average of the last 2 minutes of WindVector guilherme.amadeu 2
WindVector Standard Deviation Calculation History? Clayton 1
SD Card CR1000X TwoD 1
SemaphoreGet and SemaphoreRelease Information Michael Lily 1
Digital I/O voltage conf. 5 or 3,3v ? mortenx 1
How many 10K thermistors can be measured by CR1000X Liangber 2
would you recommend a compass and compass app? to-ya farm 0
communication osiris turnkey kokihualpa 1
Single-ended voltage measurement on open channel Levi G 1
Oxygen analyzers with the CR1000 wilbarger 1