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Question/Topic Posted By Replies
LoggerNet network backup size artyb 8
Datalogger and Multiplexer connection Fmoraga 3
use 24VDC 4-20mA + 2.5VDC Potentiometer in CR1000X will damage my instruments? chalit 2
raingauge over catch Shanks.J 2
Diversity antenna + fiberglass antenna Bo 2 1
High Frequency Measurements in SlowSequence gecko 2
CR1000X to control a 6712 Isco sampler MattL 2
CS106 with noise nanopol 1
CR310 - udpdate website fail coralie 2
SFTP with non std port 22 smile 2
CR800+NL201 with web server and modbus serial slave ToFi 3
CR1000 unable to connect via Series connection VDC 1
email from IPCAM to logger without internet connection smile 3
SSH Keys and Task Master Kevin 0
Unusually high rainfall readings on two instruments jan 2
FLOAT4 resolution for BrHalf4W PT100 measurements LGS 1
I am not able to publish my website using localhost. Abhimanyu Chhabra 0
CR1000 logger with RS232-bluetooth adapter andrea.sonc 18
Basestation not sending all data Ephuntz 1
10Hz anemometer and rain gauge pulse counts Neil M. 3
Simultaneous remote communications on CR310 Alistair 2
CR1000X with RS232 EXO Sonde using subroutine, SDI-12 backup Jay Aldrich 3
Is there a MonthIsBetween function? chemgoof1010 2
BMP5 Direct SDK Download sbelhaj 1
RTMC Pro Text Alarm - Rain over last 24 hours mra3465 2
CRBasic adjust slope according to month chemgoof1010 3
Watchdog Errors: 1 - Reset this value. If errors continue, contact Campbell Scientific. ( Connect Screen at Loggernet Menu ) to-ya farm 3
Is there a way to show tab characters in the terminal emulator? Russ Miller 2
Get a data from CR-1000 with normal PC serial program?? superego 2
Can I connect 2 cellular routers to a CR310 via an ethernet switch Dugg 1