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Load Cell Excitation Requirement not met by CR10X

inzunzam Apr 18, 2012 06:19 PM

I am trying to collect data from a 4-wire full bridge Revere load cell with an Excitation Voltage range of 5-12 Volts.

The CR10X can only deliver a max 2500 mV excitation using command Full bridge P6.

Will using a deficient excitation voltage cause incongruentcies in the millivolt output?

I would like to obtain an excitation voltage that is large enough to fulfill the load cell requirements. Is it possible to use an external excitation? It would be DC correct?

Thanks a bunch.

aps Apr 18, 2012 08:48 PM

Generally most full bridge sensors will work in ratiometric mode, i.e. their output is proportional to the excitation voltage. Most industrial sensor suppliers recommend supplies of 10V or more to make sure the sensor output is large enough for industrial analogue measurement systems.

Using our standard supply of 2.5V is not a problem for our loggers as they have better sensitivity for smaller voltages than most measurement systems (down to 0.3 microvolts). In addition using a lower supply voltages reduces self-heating errors which can cause offset errors even for load cells.

You need to check there are no active components in the sensor, e.g. amplifiers or temperature compensation diodes, but for most of the Revere sensors they do not as there are simple bridge sensors.

Nindamark321 May 29, 2014 06:52 AM

ME also agree with the above member about the usage of load cells. Some kinds of load cells are perfect for this purpose indeed.

* Last updated by: Nindamark321 on 5/29/2014 @ 12:55 AM *

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