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CR310, Am16/32 with analog instruments (single ended voltage) and Thermistor

GliRam Jul 1, 2024 07:41 PM

Good Afternoon, I have CR310, Am16/32 and 11 analog instruments, of which 4 are transducers and 7 are clinometers, the clinometers are biaxial and it have thermistor. Current I have a programming but includes only the part analog, my question is: How can I add the thermistor to the programming and connection of the am16/32?

Add programming: 

'AM16/32B Program Example B-1
'Single-ended voltage measurements using MuxSelect()
'CR300-series data loggers
'Multiplexer (mux) in 4X16 Mode


'Data logger to AM16/32B
'Signal Ground (CR300) to COM ODD H (AM16/32B)
'1H (CR300) to COM ODD L (AM16/32B)
'1L (CR300) to COM EVEN H (AM16/32B)
'2H (CR300) to COM EVEN L (AM16/32B)
'Ground (CR300) to COM ground (AM16/32B)
'SW12V (CR300) to 12V (AM16/32B)
'G (CR300) to G (AM16/32B)
'C1 (CR300) to CLK (AM16/32B)
'C2 (CR300) to RES (AM16/32B)

'AM16/32B to Sensors
'1H terminal (AM16/32B) to Sensor 1, 2, and 3 grounds
'1L terminal (Am16/32B) to Sensor 1 signal
'2H terminal (AM16/32B) to Sensor 2 signal
'2L terminal (AM16/32B) to Sensor 3 signal
'Ground (AM16/32B) to Sensor 1, 2, and 3 shields
'Repeat wiring pattern (H/L/H/L/Ground) in the next blue SET
'for each additional trio of sensors.

'Declare variables
Public SEVolt(9)
Units SEVolt=mV

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Hourly,True,-1)
Average (9,SEVolt(),FP2,False)
'Main Program'
SW12 (1 ) 'provide power to AM16/32B
'Main Scan
'>>>>>> SET 1
'Turn AM16/32B Multiplexer On, start measurements on multiplexer channel 1
MuxSelect (C1,C2 ,20,1,1)
'3 repetitions, writing to SEVolt(1), SEVolt(2) and SEVolt(3)
'3 repetitions, measuring 1L, 2H, 2L on multiplexer
'>>>>>> SET 2
PulsePort (C1 ,10000) 'to move to SET 2
'3 repetitions, writing to SEVolt(4), SEVolt(5) and SEVolt(6)
'3 repetitions, measuring 3L, 4H, 4L on multiplexer
'>>>>>> SET 3
PulsePort (C1 ,10000) 'to move to SET 3
'3 repetitions, writing to SEVolt(7), SEVolt(8) and SEVolt(9)
'3 repetitions, measuring 5L, 6H, 6L on multiplexer
'Turn AM16/32B Multiplexer Off
'Call Data Tables and Store Data
CallTable Hourly
CallTable Daily

salvatore Jul 8, 2024 01:08 AM

This post is under review.

GliRam Jul 27, 2024 02:50 PM

Buen dia, podrian atender mi duda, se lo agradeceria bastante

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