Hi everybody,
I'm trying to connect a ABB UGGA CO2/CH4 Analyzer on the serial port of the CR350, but I have many issues to display the serial frames on the central terminal.
I first tried to connect the analyzer to my computer, using a terminal to confirm that data are continuously sent. Parameters are Port NAME : none - Baud Rate : 38400 - Parity : None - Stop bits : 1 - data bits : 8. This part worked good, and I received the 1Hz frames, but it needed a null modem cable (crossed, not straight).
On the CR350, I first tried to use the 9-pins connector, with the very basic program below, but I wasn't able to observe any frame in the terminal (using the W -> 2 or 12 command).
I also tried crossed or straight cable.
Finally I tried with a cut cable, connecting directly the 2 and 3 pins to the C1/C2 in the COM1 of the CR350 (and reverse), and pin 5 to GND, using the COM1 instruction in the above code. In the terminal: W -> 4, 7,8 ..unsuccessful.
Last try was to use the TX/RX of COM2 of the CR350, but still unsuccessful in the terminal with W -> 5, 9, 10.
Obviously, I'm missing something...maybe my basic program is wrong?
Does anyone have an idea of the problem and could give me some help please?
You are forgetting the SerialIn command
After SerialOpen (opening the port) SerialIn (grabs the data from the serial buffer)
You will need a variable to store the string in and hopefully know the end of line method from your sending device.
You can then parse the data into seperate variables if you need to with the SplitStr Command.