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CR206X and Vibrating Wire Piezometers

instrumentation May 14, 2013 04:39 PM

Hi all,

I did not manage to find the answer to this so I was wondering if someone here can help me out. Can the CR206X datalogger work with vibrating wire piezometers? Thanks in advance!

GTProdMgr May 14, 2013 05:17 PM

You cannot measure vibrating wire sensors with the CR200X series (including CR206X). You need a vibrating wire sensor analyzer to do that. However, the good news is that we have an analyzer called the AVW206 which contains the same radio that is contained in the CR206X.




Non-radio device:

gage Oct 7, 2014 09:00 AM

Vibrating Wire piezometers use the well-proven method of converting fluid pressures on a sensitive diaphragm into a frequency signal.Check this:-

GTProdMgr Oct 7, 2014 07:53 PM

Up until now, using a datalogger like the CR1000 (or
CR10X) to measure a vibrating wire sensor required an
add-on device such as the AVW200 (AVW1 in the old days).
The CR200X/CR206X isn't compatible with those add-ons
(for example, it didn't support the AVW200 instruction
within CRBasic).

A new option has entered the arena. It is the CR6
datalogger and it can directly measure vibrating
wire sensors such as the piezometers mentioned above.
There is no longer a need to purchase an additional
device to make these kinds of measurements.

Please take a look:



smile Oct 13, 2014 11:22 PM

Dear GTProdMgr,

it is not clear to me your penultimate post, please help me to understand. In practice, do you suggest to use, in my case, the AVW216 in place of CR216 or use a AVW216 remotely managed by a CR216?

Many thanks


GTProdMgr Oct 14, 2014 08:51 PM

If you can place an AVW200 device (no radio) within a few feet of the CR206X or CR216 (i.e. a wired connection), then you can use SDI-12 commands to instruct that AVW200 device to measure Vibrating Wire Piezometers and return results to the datalogger. (You will need a multiplexer to measure more than 2 sensors, and the program would be more complicated).

So if that is your case, you will need to purchase that AVW200 in addition to your existing CR206X or CR216. Since the CR206/216(X) has a radio, then you wouldn't need a radio inside of the AVW2xx device (that is why you would use an AVW200 instead of an AVW206 or AVW216).

If there has to be a large wireless distance between the CR206/216(x) and the Piezometers, then the CR206/216(x) won't work. In that case you would need a CR1000 or CR800 in place of the CR206/216(x). You would also need an RF401A or RF416A radio connected to the CR1000/CR800. Then at the remote piezometer location you could use an AVW206 or AVW216.

The CR6 brings some options to the table, but it must wire directly into the Piezometers. In that case no AVW200/206/216 is required, but there has to be a radio on the CR6 (probably an RF401A or RF416A). Within a year, there will be versions of the CR6 that will have a built-in radio.

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