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SerialInRecord not working

sinusoid Feb 21, 2014 07:34 PM

I have a datastring coming in that looks like this...


for each record. I have tried having the SeriilInRecord command look for a beginword of F or FD, and EndWord of carriage return and/or line feed, but it never seems to pick it up. Even if I just put in a number of bytes to bring in it gets nothing. If I use just the SerialIn function the data comes in without the periods, and often gets chopped, but it does come in. Anyone know why the SerialInRecord function doesn't seem to be catching the data at all?

Edit: Not sure what I did differently today, but it is working fine now.

* Last updated by: sinusoid on 2/24/2014 @ 9:38 AM *

SchwenLarson Feb 25, 2014 11:36 PM

Did you ever find the answer to this issue?

sinusoid Feb 26, 2014 06:04 PM

I am not sure I found an answer, but it did start working. I tried a lot of things and in the end it worked.

heiko Mar 26, 2014 04:35 PM

same, same but different!

I´ve a similar problem.

I will record 2 strings at COM2 & COM3 an realized it within the main scan intervall (no subscan no slow sequenze)

If I place the serial code at the end of the scan I will receive just the string of COM3 (is much longer than the one at COM2). But, the sensor @COM2 send the string. I can see the string with the sniffer (terminal emulator)

If I place the code at the beginning of the scan (before any other measuremnts will taken), both strings are received and logged by the data logger CR1000!?

I was trying alreade to modify the buffer option etc. But nothing takes me to the right path.

I´am using the Nortek Current Meter and the Aquadopp profiler. May you have already some experience with that kind of sensors?!

FlagCM = ComPortIsActive (COM2)
If FlagCM = true Then
SerialIn (AqdCM_string,Com2,100,0,115)
.... bla
SerialFlush (COM2)
FlagCM = false

SerialOpen(Com3,9600,0,0,15000) FlagPR = ComPortIsActive (COM3)
If FlagPR=true Then
SerialIn (AqdPR_string,Com3,100,0,1000)
.... bla
SerialFlush (COM3)

cheers H.

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