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Otemohu Mar 3, 2014 01:17 PM


I have several sensors (8) connected on a CR3000 (OS 24). The scanrate is fixed at 30sec and all the data are logged every 30min(avg, min, max, etc...).

For some of them, I would like to add a scanrate at 1 sec and a log of average every minutes.

My idea is to put a subscan with a scanrate of 1 sec. But my question is concerning the name of the variables. Do I have to distinguish the public variables scanned every 30 sec to the ones scanned every 01 sec?

I suppose Yes?

PS: I tested a prog with a subscan of 1sec and a log every sec (Sample in the DataTable). The program compiled and ran well, but some days after, the program did'nt want to log only the subscanned data. The all others tables were stopped! I first supposed that it was a problem of memory but I don't think so.

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