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Vaisala WS425 sonic anemometer 2D

BrentAuvermann Mar 24, 2014 05:37 PM

We will be deploying 16 WS425 sonic anemometers in the field. They are configured for serial data Xmission because I originally intended to poll them using National Instruments LabVIEW. It makes more sense at this point to poll them from a Campbell Scientific data logger under the control of LoggerNet since we've got so many other Campbell components in our existing system.

We'll also be deploying 16 Vaisala HMP155 temp/RH probes alongside the sonics.

Is there anyone out there who has written a simple program for a Campbell data logger to acquire data from a WS425? I program in LabVIEW but not Campbell, so I'm looking for some kind of canned routine that saves me from having to learn a new language.

Thanks in advance,

Brent A.

ebing Mar 27, 2014 03:02 PM


Can you list a few more details? Specifically, are you looking to stream continous data and have the datalogger parse the incoming serial string, or do you want the datalogger to poll the WS425 via a serial command and then parse the string? Is this RS-232, 485, 422?

I have experience programming Campbell Scientific dataloggers to communicate with RM Young ultrasonic anemometers and can probably help you out.


BrentAuvermann Mar 27, 2014 07:38 PM

Evan, thanks very much. At the outset, I'd like to have the WS425 stream data and have the data logger parse the incoming string, since that's really an easier thing to do. Later I might find I prefer the trigger approach, but that adds a layer of complexity I don't want to have to face at the moment.

Appreciate your help! Brent

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