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''WaitCommEvent failure''

JonnyGP Apr 17, 2014 10:25 AM

I am trying to connect to a CR10X through a modem and LoggerNet setup.
The setup has worked well for years but since upgrading to Windows 7 I cannot download data (not saying it is related to Windows 7 it just coincides).
When I test the connection in EZ Setup I am successful but downloading data fails with the error:

"WaitCommEvent failure!,!6!,"The handle is invalid"

I have not been able to find any help on this error is LoggerNet.

Any thoughts? the connections to the CR1000s I have using the same communication setup work fine.



rlwoell Apr 17, 2014 05:31 PM

This message is generated by the Windows operating system. From a little reading on-line I suspect a timing issue and would adjust the extra response time and the maximum packet size in the logger setup screen.

jtrauntvein Apr 17, 2014 08:31 PM

I suspect that you are using TAPI to connect to the datalogger over a phone link. If that is the case, the message is being generated because the phone link is being dropped unexpectedly. This may also explain why things changed with Windows 7. If I am correct about this, you might consider replacing the TAPI port and TAPI remote objects in the network map with a standard serial port/phone modem/remote phone modem link.

JonnyGP Apr 24, 2014 11:34 AM

Thanks for the responses.

Lowering the maximum packet size and allowing extra response time allows me to begin downloading of data. However this is not a stable connection and fails around 50,000 values. After this redial does not connect with the same error message as before.

Any ideas?

I am indeed trying to connect using TAPI via a phone link. I am reluctant to disconnect it as I am connecting to 3 other loggers through the link and I don't want to interrupt them. In addition I am not very confident that I know what you mean. Would this be the equivalent of connecting through a COM port instead of the TAPI?



jtrauntvein Apr 24, 2014 11:11 PM

What I recommended above (and continue to recommend) is that you create a serial port device that matches the serial port for you modem. Then create a Phone Modem device as its child. Finally, create a Phone Remote device for each station. You can drag the station from the TAPI remotes in your network map and all settings and state will go with it.

I am not a big fan of the telephony API (which is what TAPI stands for). It was introduced to provide support for modems that were not in our supported modems list and my experience with many of these modems indicates that there is a good reason why they are not there. Once of the most frustrating things that I have found with TAPI is that the serial port is pulled from underneath LoggerNet if the TAPI driver detects a loss of the phone link.

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