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TCP/IP Info reading with CR1000 program

Ansgar Apr 29, 2014 01:53 PM


I have a GPRS modem connected to a CR1000 datalogger via the CS I/O port and SC105 and want to log the TCP/IP Infos showed in the TCP/IP Info Box at the Device Config Utility.
To get more long-term information about the modem connection, I want to log e.g. the current IP Adress and Subnet Mask of the modem via the CR1000 program.
I there a way to do that?


GaryTRoberts Apr 30, 2014 04:01 AM


Yes, you can record the information using the TableName.Fieldname convention. In your datatable declaration where you want to store the IP information just add:

Sample(1, Status.IPInfo, String)

This will give you everything in IPInfo.

You could set a string equal to Status.IPInfo and parse the information out that you need.

ie. my_big_string_to_parse = Status.IPInfo

then parse my_big_string_to_parse for the IP address and the subnet mask

That should get you what you are looking for.

More information on how to access table information can be found by searching for DataTable Access in the CRBasic help.

* Last updated by: GaryTRoberts on 4/29/2014 @ 10:02 PM *

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