In RTMC pro development we monitor the alarms based on the data from data loggers using "rate of change" tool. usually when it gets new data, it compares the new value to the previous one and if there is specific difference (whatever you specify) it generates an alarm.
that's really nice tool but comparing only last and previous values is kinda insufficient for our purposes. Is there any possibility to compare new data to let's say what we had 3 months ago? I mean not to the previous but the one 90 records back? in this case we would know the change over 3 months.
I'm almost positive there is such option there and I just could not find it :)
Hi to All,
You could create a new location in the logger with the old value of three months ago and make comparison with this new location in RTDM. just that you have to wait three months to see if it works or change for a test, the value on the logger by "monitor input locations" or a shorter period, as three days.
You can use a standard alarm and use the ValueAtTime() function in the source expression. The ValueAtTime() function will reference a previous value processed at a specified time interval.
Thanks a lot for your help,
I will try them out :)