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Rotronic HygroClip S3 programme to Cr1000?

qicheng Jul 12, 2014 01:50 AM

Does anyone know how to connect rotronic HygroClip S3 with Cr1000 and the programme?

rotronic HygroClip S3 is an old model for temperature and humidity, not HC serieous in SHORT CUT.

qicheng Jul 12, 2014 01:55 AM

• 100 % interchangeable
• 1 digital output and 2 analogue outputs
• ROTRONIC Hygromer humidity sensor 0…100 %rh
• Accuracy ±1.5 %rh
• Long-term stability better than 1 %rh/year
• High precision Pt100 1/3 DIN temperature sensor
• HygroClip S3 temperature range of 0…1 V for - 40…60 °C

HygroClip S3 - 40…60 °C = 0…1 V

smile Jul 12, 2014 07:50 AM


Pretend that you have a MP100 or a HMP45, and deceives SHORT CUT, but pay attention to the different colors of the wires.


* Last updated by: smile on 7/12/2014 @ 1:51 AM *

qicheng Jul 12, 2014 10:38 AM

Thank you so much!Smile

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