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CardConvert: coalescence of files when converting 1-day files to 30-min files

VitalyAvilov Aug 1, 2014 04:53 PM


We collect micromet 10-Hz data on CR300 datalogger using TableFile() instruction with option 64 to create 1-day files on a CF card.
Then we use CardConvert to make 30-minute files with both option "append to last file" and File Processing using time with 30 min interval.
The result is 30-min files, except files which include midnight (ie joint of 1-day files), which are 60-minute (23:30 to 00:30).

Is it possible to improve it, for example to force CardConvert check for file splitting event before appending a next file?


PS. We would like to use "append to last file" option to joint half-day files, when CF card was removed

bconrad Aug 4, 2014 02:41 PM

The append to last option is used if you want to create one large file from many small ones whereas the bale feature (here based on time)is used to create small files from a large file. In your case I would avoid running the append and the bale at the same time. If you want to make 30 minute files from the one day file bale on a 30 minute interval. If you just want one big file then use the append option. It seems that trying to use both causes an issue at midnight that I don't have an explanation for at this time. I will forward this information to our software support group to see if they have an explanation.

bconrad Aug 4, 2014 05:36 PM


You may also want to try enabling the "Convert Only New Data" option in CardConvert to see if that will allow you to append and bale at the same time. This option has CardConvert keep track of the last timestamp from the previous data file.

VitalyAvilov Aug 8, 2014 06:27 PM


Thank you for your advice. It was of great help.
We managed to solve the problem, hopefully it will not occur in the updated software.


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