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SMS Alarm with CR800

LucNZ Sep 17, 2014 11:15 PM


I developed a rain alarm by SMS program for a CR1000 which is working well but i need to use this program with a CR800.
Unfortunately it is not working when I do the transfer. What are differences between CR8 and CR1 program ?
I tried to copy paste into a new CR800 program file or to change just .CR1 by .CR8 but without success.
When I test my program, it seems working but i do not receive my sms. I use exactly the same installation with the same Sierra modem, changing CR1000 to CR800.

Thanks for your help.


smile Sep 19, 2014 05:06 AM


in the modem that I have used it was necessary to set AT+CMGF=1. Maybe in the second modem lacks this setting.
If the SIM is different also try to check the service center


LucNZ Sep 22, 2014 10:56 PM

Hi Smile,

Thanks for your answer.
Finally, I figure out, I had a problem with the length of my SMS. It needs to be 160 characters maximum.


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