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RTMCPro + FTP server

XxVashxX Oct 3, 2014 03:38 PM

Can some one help me with this:

I have .dat files on a FTP server "ftp.ejemplo.com" i want to configure RTMCPro using "manage data sources" to look into the ftp server to use the data:

For the server addres i try with the direction of the ftp server: "ftp.ejemplo.com" and also with the IP direction of the server "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" and nothing .....the data source is always with a red X so is not working............

My question is: Is possible to do that?? and if possible wat im doing wrong?

Thank you very much!

tmecham Oct 3, 2014 10:14 PM

RTMCPro file datasources don't do FTP.

You will need to create a scheduled task in the Task Master to get the file on an interval. curl.exe is installed with RTMCPro and can be used like this to get a file via FTP:

curl.exe -u user:password "ftp://ftp.ejemplo.com/myfile.dat -o "c:\data\myfile.dat"

Then, you would setup a file datasource in RTMCPro to point at the file on the local system at c:\data\myfile.dat.

Hope that helps.

XxVashxX Oct 6, 2014 04:28 PM

Thank you for the help, i look for that curl.exe program in the PC but cant find it (i have installed the RTMCPro version on the PC)...can you guide me where i can find it or download from a trusted place? there is a way to use this Curl.exe program if i have incremental files on the FTP server? in example:

Measurement1.dat, Measurement2.dat..........Measurement178.dat...

Thank you
Best Regards

PD.- I have windows 8.1 64 bits PC

* Last updated by: XxVashxX on 10/6/2014 @ 10:29 AM *

jtrauntvein Oct 6, 2014 07:56 PM

If RTMC is installed in the "c:\program files (x86)\campbellsci\RTMC" directory, the curl.exe program can be found at "c:\program files (x86)\campbellsci\common".

creditosrapidos10min Oct 15, 2014 01:14 PM


If you can't find curl.exe in your computer, you can try with the command ftp. You can execute it throught a .bat file. For it, you need to create a new file .bat an open it with a text processor. You write your commands in it (for example, ftp://ftp.ejemplo.com/myfile.dat -o "c:\data\myfile.dat) an finally you have to make a schedule task with the windows task manager.

I hope it will be usefull.

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