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ArcSin and ArcCos in CRBasic

RyanBares Dec 4, 2014 05:03 PM

I need to make the following code work in CRBasic:


LC = -1*(1/15)*(Longitude-StdMrdn)

F = 279.579+(0.9856*Day)

ET = (-104.7*SIN(F)+596.2*SIN(2*F)+4.3*SIN (3*F) -12.7*SIN(4*F)-429.3*COS(F)-2.0*COS(2*F)+19.3*COS(3*F))/3600

T0 = 12-LC-ET

TR = T0-HS/15

Delta = ARCSIN (0.39785*SIN (278.97+0.9856*Day+1.9165*SIN (356.6+0.9856*Day)))

HS = ARCCOS((0-SIN (Latitude) *SIN(Delta))/ (COS(Latitude)*COS(Delta)))


Since CRbasic does not have an ArcSin or ArcCos function, what would be the best way to make this equation work?


GTProdMgr Dec 4, 2014 05:34 PM

The functions you are looking for are called:

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