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Trigger program each monday for 7 hours

Hugo Dec 16, 2014 01:35 PM

Hi everyone,

First off all, I'm knew here and I have only 1 month experience in CRBasic progeamming. I'm also not a native english speaker so forgive me my sintax, grammar and spelling's errors.

I'm currently using a CR3000 and programing to execute 4 mesurments one time per week. To do that, i planned to use an IfTime command coded like this: If IfTime(0,7,day) then .... The expression is written just after a Do While TRUE line.
But when i'm using the day units it's not working as intended. I tried the function coded like this: If IfTime(0,10,min) and it's doing the job.
Can someone explain me how to correct my error or an other to do what i planned to ?

Thank you for taking time to read my post. If you need any precisons i will be glad to answer you.

Have a nice day


Hugo Dec 18, 2014 02:33 PM

Problem solved

I didn't understand the fact that iftime = -1 only when it's 00h00:00s on monday if it's written like this IfTime(0,7,day). And like i'm not at work at this hour i couldn't test this out.

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