we can find the Std 1.0,but where the Std.0.69 according to following note:
Note: If your CR6 has a beta OS 0.68 or older you will need to install the included OS "CR6.Std.0.69.obj" first before installing "CR6.Std.01.obj".
It is included in the same .exe file as the 1.00 release that can be downloaded from the downloads page.
From the text file displayed after running the downloaded executable:
Operating System Upgrade Instructions:
[CR6 with OS "CR6.Std.0.68.obj" and Older]
If you have a CR6 with an OS "CR6.Std.0.68.obj" or older you must install the included
OS "CR6.Std.0.69.obj" first before installing OS "CR6.Std.01.obj".
* Last updated by: GaryTRoberts on 12/19/2014 @ 7:50 PM *