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where OS "CR6.Std.0.69.obj"

erfan Dec 19, 2014 02:54 PM

we can find the Std 1.0,but where the Std.0.69 according to following note:

Note: If your CR6 has a beta OS 0.68 or older you will need to install the included OS "CR6.Std.0.69.obj" first before installing "CR6.Std.01.obj".

GaryTRoberts Dec 20, 2014 01:14 AM

It is included in the same .exe file as the 1.00 release that can be downloaded from the downloads page.

From the text file displayed after running the downloaded executable:

Operating System Upgrade Instructions:

[CR6 with OS "CR6.Std.0.68.obj" and Older]
If you have a CR6 with an OS "CR6.Std.0.68.obj" or older you must install the included
OS "CR6.Std.0.69.obj" first before installing OS "CR6.Std.01.obj".

* Last updated by: GaryTRoberts on 12/19/2014 @ 7:50 PM *

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