Does anyone have a key to decipher the task sequencer op codes (option B) in the Terminal Emulator? I'm specifically looking at the codes from a CR1000 in hopes of understanding the measurement sequence of a program compiled in pipeline mode. Thanks.
There is not a key for these opcodes. They are primarily used for operating system development. The text associated with the opcodes explains what is going on at a high level. The actual bits in the opcodes are used to set up internal measurement hardware and control measurement timing.
What specifically, are you trying to understand?
Thank you for your help. I would like to understand the exact order of operations for a program compiled in Pipeline mode to troubleshoot what I believe are timing issues with an AM25T in a slow sequence.
I attempted to describe what is going on in your AM25T thread. I hope it helps.
Thank you. For those interested, the thread is titled "Problem with AM25T in SlowSequence"