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Suitable Antenna for RF401A

JamesMc Mar 18, 2015 05:01 PM

Hello CS Community,

We have in production a 'trunk' node with a RF401 (& CR1000) and a 3db omni antenna. This particular trunk node services over a dozen downstream stations. Link distances range from 1 to 10 kilometers. Some stations have marginal links at times due to thick canopy, rain, etc. Since our trunk node is at a higher elevation than all of the downstream stations, we are considering a radio upgrade to the RF401A and a higher gain 6db omni antenna with a 6 degree down tilt beam. This is the antenna model we are considering:


Has anyone used an antenna like this before? Do you foresee any problems with this? Can you suggest any other solutions?


JDavis Mar 19, 2015 08:51 PM

The RF401A can give a small range increase over the RF401.

Without seeing a map of the terrain and the site locations, I can't say if the proposed antenna would work better. Generally, higher gain antennas do so by focusing the radio signal. Other antennas within the signal pattern of the antenna will have a stronger link due to the higher gain. If there is a station outside of the more focused pattern, you would actually get a weaker signal.

Look at a map of your sight and superimpose the pattern from the antenna.

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