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Programming CR10 to record the time of events

KatyG Apr 10, 2015 06:51 PM

We are using a CR10 to run a program created through Short Cut.
We have output tables that give the values of the inputs (soil moisture probes - average of two) but it doesn't give the time at which the event occurs.
Is there an easy way of recording this?

Danaw Apr 13, 2015 07:34 PM

If you are referring to the time that Maximums or Minimums occur, Short Cut has an option for these in the output table that lets you include time.

If you are referring to each array of data, the timestamp is included as the first few elements of the array; i.e.,


101 = array ID
2014 = year
365 = Julian calendar date
1042 = time

Dana W.

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