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Data not plotting in CSI Web Server

mdsaero Apr 10, 2015 06:57 PM

After the latest patches to LoggerNet ( and RTMC-Pro ( were applied, some plots of daily rain I have made in RTMC-Pro are no longer functioning correctly when viewed on a web page being served by the CSI Web Server. The graphs themselves show up, other data series on the same graph show up, but the daily rain series no longer appears. The daily rain data is calculated using stored CR200X data table variables, not Public variables.

When I view live data in RTMC-Pro or using the RTMC Run-time, the data plots as expected.

Has anybody else encountered something like this? Any suggestions of a solution? I'm wondering if the way I'm calculating daily rain is causing a problem, but the plots worked fine before I applied the latest patches.


* Last updated by: mdsaero on 4/10/2015 @ 12:59 PM *

mdsaero Apr 10, 2015 07:06 PM

Here's the daily rain calculation for the data series:

StartRelativeToNewest(nsecPerDay*8, OrderCollected);


((rain - ValueAtTime(rain, Timestamp(rain), ((nsecPerHour * FormatTime(TimeStamp(rain), $"%H"))+(nsecPerMin * FormatTime(TimeStamp(rain), $"%M"))+(nsecPerSec * FormatTime(TimeStamp(rain), $"%S"))), $"invalid")) * 0.0393700787)

I'm all ears if there is a better way.

tmecham Apr 17, 2015 03:00 PM

Would you please email me a simple project demonstrating the problem. Then, we can work on getting you a fix in place. Thanks!


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