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Brainboxes BL-830 Bluetooth Serial Adapter

JKorfmacher Apr 23, 2015 07:29 PM

Just a public service announcement for those using the Brainboxes Bluetooth dongle for comms with your dataloggers. I've used them successfully for several years, but ran into problems with a couple of new devices. The current firmware, version 4.4.1, does not seem to be compatible with my CR800s (haven't tested on any other CSI datloggers), and the previous version, 4.3.8, wasn't working, either.

I had to downgrade the firmware on all the new ones back to version 4.3.4 which doesn't seem to have any issues. This was a bit problematic due to the somewhat junky nature of the Brainboxes utility interface.

I haven't investigated whether it's a problem WRT to CSI firmware--might be an incompatibility issue related to newer versions of the CR800 OS. Anyone else who's worked with these devices please feel free to correct me.

Danaw Apr 24, 2015 06:38 PM

Thank you, John.

I worked with another customer recently who could not get a BrainBox to work. This may have been the problem.

I appreciate your posting... we will see if there is anything we can do from our end.


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