I'm installing a CC5MPX camera along with a CR1000 datalogger. I need to recover the images by PakBus, what's going on normally. However, when the image is retrieved, it does not keep the name programmed into the camera, and yes, changes to the set name in the datalogger.
The point is, I can do this recovery keeping the name of the file saved in the camera's memory card?
If you can not, is there any configuration I can make for the datalogger to retrieve the images by changing their names to the time they were taken or recovered?
Thank you.
The CR1000 has a setting, "Files Manager", that tells the datalogger how to manage files that it has received. The CC5MPX manual gives specific instructions regarding this setting and I suspect that your datalogger is set up to do this. When this setting is used, the datalogger will rename incoming files according to the rules in this setting. It will assign a unique name to each received file using an incrementing serial number and it will also limit the number of files on the datalogger file system by deleting the oldest files when the count is exceeded. If you don't want this behaviour, you can remove the rule in this setting associated with the camera's PakBus address.
Good night,
I did this procedure (leave the function without being used) and it worked exactly as I wanted.
Thank you very much for the attention.