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RTMC backfilling from LNDB

seb Aug 13, 2015 10:20 PM


We recently changed our RTMC display to get data from LNDB, rather than the Loggernet cache, and have found an issue with one of our stations which can sometimes have intermittent comms over a radio link.
The station is set to collect every 30 minutes and backfill data holes from prior missed collections.
This works fine and all the data eventually finds its way into LNDB within an hour or two, though we have found that when backfilled data is collected, it is automatically put into LNDB but does not automatically show up in RTMC unless RTMC is restarted.
When we were running RTMC from the Loggernet cache the back-filled data would show up in RTMC as soon as it was collected.

I have tried a few different Start Options and have had the most success with StartRelativeToNewest(86400, OrderCollected), but it still does not work perfectly to always show the last 24 hours worth of data that has been collected.

I don't fully understand exactly how the Start Options work, so is there a more appropriate Start Option that I should be using, or should this issue be solved another way?



* Last updated by: seb on 8/13/2015 @ 4:20 PM *

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