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CR200X on LS300 Modem

Achilles Sep 1, 2015 11:25 AM

Hi at all,
I am currently sitting on a CR200x which should be connected to loggernet via a LS300 Modem.

I uploaded the campbell template and used its baudrate at 9600. So the template should be correct.
I can log into the cell-network and get registered fine. However, I can't get any connection through with Loggernet.
So far I tried a bit but had no success. I can use the LS300 as modem when I connect it to my notebook, so the data-link seems to work fine.

What I've done:
Connect the LS300 to the CR200x,
set Loggernet (3.4.1) to connect on an IP-Port on port 3001 (Serial Server), Direct IP of modem and DNS Service with custom ID didn't work (both)
The extra response time is set to 4Seconds.

Has anyone some experience with the LS300 as Serial-Server and could give me a hint if anything is missing?

Thank's in advance!

Best regards,

LarryT Sep 2, 2015 06:02 PM

Have you tried using a null modem cable or adapter when connecting the CR200X and the LS300?


Achilles Sep 3, 2015 06:54 AM

Thanks for your reply, Larry.

Yes, I did try straight patch cables as well as null-modem cables.

I did check the output of the modem with my oscilloscope and it stays on about -6V, so it stays on low all the time, even if I try to connect.

Loggernet just gives me a time-out error message (10060).
I also set the protocol to TCP, but tried UDP as well with no change.

So settings wise it looks fine for me. However, it is logged in via HSPA, but can connect to the network without problems. I can also use the modem when connected to my PC via ethernet to browse in the internet. So the datalink is running as it seems.
There may be a problem somewhere in the route between Loggernet and the Serialport, so that the data isn't passed through.
I am trying to narrow it down on the internet connection or modem setup.

JDavis Sep 4, 2015 05:39 PM

You should follow the instructions in our manual for the LS300:


Factory default the settings on the LS300. Then, load the CSI settings using DevConfig. Fill in the APN information if your network needs it. The serial port baud rate needs to be set to 9600 baud for use with the CR200X. Use a null modem cable for connection between the LS300 and the CR200X.

Achilles Sep 5, 2015 06:32 AM

Hi, Thanks for your reply.

I tried the Template to configure and the DevConfig tool. None of it worked so far.
I already worked through the hints in the manual but had no Luck so far. Serial bytes are also stuck, so there really seems to be nothing going on on the part.

However I am trying to get contact to my provider as I think the incoming ports may be blocked in general.... So incoming data wouldn't be routed to the modem but get blocked by the APN.

Is there any way to get a callback-functionality with the LS300 and the CR200X? I guess a CR1000 could send us an email with the data or so, but the 200X is a bit more limited in ti's functions.
So then the LS300 would need to connect by itself with a watchdog timer or so, but I didn't find any hint.... I guess it's not possible?

We want to use the setup in Ecuador, so work will have to be done there as well. However, as time in the field is short I want to get familiar with the setup and gather experience for troubleshooting/ common problems.


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