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Programming compatibility: CR200X vs. CR800

Rocha Sep 2, 2015 05:15 AM

I am in need of developing a program (PC/micro-controller talking to datalogger) for a CR800 device.

However, I only have a CR200X and a CR10X. What are the expected issues when trying to do this? I mean, is there a minimum programming compatibility between CR200X and CR800?


JDavis Sep 2, 2015 03:06 PM

CR200X and CR800 both use CRBasic as their programming language. There are differences in the parameters of some instructions. The CR10X is programmed with the Edlog programming language. All of these dataloggers are supported in the ShortCut program generator.

In terms of communication, both the CR200X and CR800 use the Pakbus communication protocol. The default operating system on the CR10X does not do Pakbus, but there is a Pakbus operating system that can be loaded onto it.

If you are making a PC program that needs to talk to a datalogger, there is a free DLL library for Windows.
No support is provided for it beyond the included help file.

An easier route if you only need the realtime data values is to use the Modbus protocol to talk to dataloggers. The program on the datalogger would need to include a ModbusSlave instruction to map variables to registers.

Rocha Sep 2, 2015 04:32 PM


So I understood that CR200X and Cr8000 both share the same programming language (CRBasic) and communication protocol (Pakbus). Nonetheless, differences of instructions parameters exist since the dataloggers have different I/O ports configurations and capabilities.

Thank you for clarifying this question.

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