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device configuration utility

fdec Sep 21, 2015 01:58 PM

dear All

i need to add a new ip address in a cr1000 but this cr1000 are not in the office.

actually i can communicate with the logger with a com110 and a dynamic ip address who is redirected on my office on a static ip address.
Now i need to add a second static ip address for receive the data on another computer.

Do you think it's possible to do this with device or loggernet?

JDavis Sep 21, 2015 09:10 PM

Look at the settings for Pakbus TCP Client. That may take care of what you want to do.

fdec Sep 22, 2015 07:15 AM

Dear Jdavis
Thanks for your answer
can you tell me with more precision where i can find pack bus TCP client.

i don't find it in loggernet. i remember you the logger are not in the office and i communicate with it only by GPRS with loggernet.

with device, i only connect with direct connect


JDavis Sep 22, 2015 04:01 PM

The easiest place to find the settings is on the Network Services tab in Device Configuration Utility. Download the latest version from the Campbell website. It does support connection over IP.

fdec Sep 23, 2015 07:24 AM

Dear Jdavis
thanks for your answer
i have connect the new version and i try to connect with device but i did not succed.

i enter the ip address and the port in the communication port box (from the setup of loggernet, this is a dynamic ip )
i enter the communication speed at 9600 baud.
and i have check the packbus address in the options : devconfig packbus address.

but i'm not sure it's the good procedure.
could you confirm it's ok?


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