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Encrytion Problem

MSTK Oct 22, 2015 11:11 PM

Hi Folks,

I'm facing a strange problem at the time of encrypting the program for the CR1000 datalogger.
My scenario:
I have a general program for all CR1000 dataloggers which is encrypted and others additional programs that have different parameters for each application.
Unfortunately I can not post the whole program but I will present the part that is causing the problem.

1) If I try to encrypt the MMS-209_STR_.CR1(my general program) with the following portion of the code:

'**************** MeasScan - Measurements scaning ***************************** **************
Include "CPU: MeasScan.CR1"
'**************** MeasScan - Measurements scaning ***************************** **************

, through CRBASIC I have the following result:

[Version]C:\Campbellsci\Lib\Compilers\CR1Comp.exe VERSION:CR1000.Std.28.02 DATE:07/20/2015
D:\Desenvolvimento\Desenvto_software\CR1000\MMS\STR\MMS_209_STR_.CR1 -- Compiled in SequentialMode.
ProgSignature = 61223.

2) Once the MMS-209_STR_.CR1 is encrypted, when I load it in datalogger and run, I got the following error:

Running Program: "CPU:MMS_209_STR_Enc.CR1"
Run on Power Up Program: ""
Program State: compile error
line 904: Undeclared variable wff.
line 904: Invalid, or out of place expression: ìÜwff,”µô,g—Ôc_OHgOÑ“Sæ¥w....
line 906: Invalid, or out of place expression: òÑ}ÊÔ ¿>^$ yñ–>,§F¢=‡¿,ÌH1“Ì....
line 906: Undeclared variable a.

3) If I did not encrypt the MMS-209_STR.CR1, and run on the datalogger, everything works normally.

4) If I insert the content of my included file, directly into the main program, for example:
'**************** MeasScan - Measurements scaning *******************************************
'Include "CPU: MeasScan.CR1"
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
If AN_1<=AN_1_Offset Then AN_1=0
'**************** MeasScan - Measurements scaning *******************************************

, Everything works normally, I can encrypt and place to run in the datalogger and it works fine.

Some details:

- I have other 2 "include" instructions on the general MMS-209_STR.CR1 present no problems, the error happens only with this part of programm;
- I use the most recent version of OS, CR1000.Std.28.02
- We have more than 80 CR1000 running in our customers;
- The encryption of the general program is essential for us.

I hope was clear my explanation, and would appreciate a response as soon as possible because we are working on an important project and we need urgently a solution for our customer.
Thank you.

pokeeffe Oct 22, 2015 11:16 PM

I don't see anything unusual about that code block, except the leading space in the file name.

MSTK Oct 23, 2015 01:59 PM

Yes, But I also believe that nothing is wrong. I suspect there may be something tied to the compiler but I'm not sure.

pokeeffe Oct 23, 2015 04:32 PM

That's possible too. If you haven't yet, I'd contact the Support Dept directly. They are responsive and helpful.

MSTK Oct 23, 2015 05:33 PM

Hi Pokeeffe,

I sent the same message to the Support in Brazil.

I believe they should process this issue.

Thank you for your attention.
Best regards

* Last updated by: MSTK on 10/23/2015 @ 11:36 AM *

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