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Je2f Feb 1, 2016 03:15 PM


Do you know how to send a break signal through the SDM-SIO1A in RS232?

I try the function SerialBrk without success.

aps Feb 1, 2016 04:03 PM

The SDM-SIO1A does not currently support the break signal or the SerialBrk command.   We asked for this once before and did find a simple workaround that did work in some applications.

The crude work around  is to transmit a null character at 300 baud.   This only generates a break like signal of 30 ms or so though and will not work if you are already using 300 baud.

Below is some example code that shows the principle.


'Main Program


       Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

         SerialOpen (32,9600,16,0,50)

        'any initial serial instructions

        '''''''''Serial Break'''''''''''''


        SerialOpen (32,300,16,0,50)

      'You need to use serialoutblock to be able to send chr(0).

        SerialOutBlock (32,CHR(0),1)


       'Reopen the port at the normal speed

        SerialOpen (32,9600,16,0,50)


         'other serial instructions

       SerialClose (32)



Je2f Feb 1, 2016 04:22 PM

I need a break signal during minimum 250ms, i have try your code but without success.

aps Feb 1, 2016 04:47 PM

Yes, I did say the maxium time was 30 ms.   I will put in a request for future support for this, but this could take a few months to come through.

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