If anyone can help i'd really appreciate it.
I'm trying to program the reading of a anemometer 05103 Wind Monitor for CR300 datalogger using CRBasic. According to what I understand speed measurement should be performed in the P_LL port because it is a Low Level AC but when trying to compile says " 8 is not a valid low level AC input port. "
[Version]C:\Campbellsci\Lib\Compilers\CR300Comp.exe VERSION:CR300.Std.01 DATE:3/09/2016
C:\Users\palomo\Desktop\CMRIS\CMRIS_CR300.CR300 -- Compile Failed!
line 51: 8 is not a valid low level AC input port.
Error(s) detected in the program. Double-click an error above to navigate to it.
The program is as follows:
'CR300 Series Datalogger Public PTemp, batt_volt Public Air_TC Public RH Public Rain_mm Public WS_ms Public WindDir DataTable (Min30,1,-1) DataInterval (0,30,Min,0) Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,False,False) Sample (1,PTemp,FP2) Average (1,Air_TC,FP2,0) Sample (1,RH,FP2) Totalize (1,Rain_mm,FP2,0) WindVector (1,WS_ms,WindDir,FP2,False,0,0,0) EndTable BeginProg Scan (1,Sec,0,0) PanelTemp (PTemp,60) Battery (batt_volt) VoltSe(Air_TC,1,mV2500,1,0,0,50,0.1,-40.0) VoltSe(RH,1,mV2500,2,0,0,50,0.1,0) If (RH>100) AND (RH<108) Then RH=100 PulseCount (Rain_mm,1,C1,2,0,0.1,0) PulseCount (WS_ms,1,P_LL,1,1,0.098,0)'Line that fail(line 51) BrHalf (WindDir,1,mV2500,3,Vx1,1,2500,False,20000,50,355,0) If WindDir>=360 OR WindDir<0 Then WindDir=0 CallTable Min30 NextScan EndProg
I am sorry but this was a bug in the first release of the firmware for the logger.
Please go to here:
And download OS Version 2. Run the exectuable to update your PC compiler files and to copy the logger firmware onto your PC. Then upgrade the operating system on the logger with the new version using our Device Configuration Tool.
That should fix the pulse count issue.