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CSAT3 --> CR10X datalogger --> Edire

Christian Feb 11, 2010 06:11 PM


I try to process an ASCII file, which includes data from a CSAT3 sonic anemometer and other instruments, with Edire software but it seems not working, not reading the data. The processing output is not correct.

I collect these data with a CR10X datalogger in an comma-separated ASCII format. Then I convert these data into a fielded data format.

Do you know if it is possible to process these data with Edire software? There is another software appropriate for this processing?

Thank you,


eddycov1 Feb 12, 2010 10:16 PM


EdiRe is designed to work with binary files. Since you collected your data in ASCII from EdiRe does not know what to do with it.

It needs TOB1 binary form of the file. Did you collect time series data with CR10X (I doubt you did because of a very limited space on the logger's memory)?

If you somehow did collect TS data at 10 or 20Hz if you download your data in the binary TOB3 form you can convert it using CardConvert which is incorporated into the Loggernet and then you can use EdiRe.

If you however collected only 30 min averaged data EdiRe will not be of any help.


eddycov1 Feb 12, 2010 10:21 PM

One more thing. There are quite a few post processing software packages out there that we know of but we do not support them and some of them we never used.

Here they are:

EdiRe (no cost; Rob Clement, University of Edinburgh);

TK2 (no cost; Matthias Mauder and Thomas Foken, University of Bayreuth);

ECPack (GNU Public License; Wageningen University);

EddySoft (fee; Olaf Kolle and Corinna Rebmann, Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry);

Alteddy (fee; Jan Elbers, Alterra Institute in Wageningen).

Christian Feb 18, 2010 01:02 AM

Thank you for your reply.

Just to clarify that with CR10X we collected time series data at 1 Hz. The scheduled collection was enabled with a collection interval of 10 minutes in order to collect the stored data from CR10X to a laptop. For the output file format we choosed ASCII, comma separated and not binary.

Do you think that it is possible to process these data with Edire?

eddycov1 Feb 18, 2010 01:07 AM

You need binary TOB1 form for EdiRe. ASCII will not work. We have application note on EdiRE. You can get it from here: http://www.campbellsci.com/documents/technical-papers/edire.pdf .

* Last updated by: eddycov1 on 2/17/2010 @ 6:10 PM *

Christian Feb 18, 2010 05:03 PM

Mixed-array dataloggers, such as CR10X that we have, include the option to binary files. Data from table-data dataloggers are output as TOA5 files or TOB1 binary files.

I suppose that in case of CR10X it is not possible to process the data, ASCII or binary, with Edire. These binary files are not TOB1 ot TOB2 or TOB3.

It is possible to process these binary files came from a CR10X with Edire?

Thank you.

eddycov1 Feb 18, 2010 06:26 PM

Please contact me at at 435-750-1747. Thank you.

* Last updated by: eddycov1 on 6/9/2010 @ 5:01 PM *

JanE Apr 21, 2010 07:19 PM


Although this is an old thread i think i should let you know that Alteddy processing software has always been free of charge and can process both ASCII and binary data (including TOB1 files)

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