Event Description

The Geotechnical and Structural Instrumentation Training Course is a comprehensive course that introduces engineers and engineering technicians to automated data acquisition. It emphasizes applications and sensors for the geotechnical and structural monitoring markets.

Class participants will program the CR6 datalogger to make automated measurements on several types of sensors used in geotechnical and structural monitoring applications. This training is also applicable to most other Campbell Scientific dataloggers.

In addition, they will use the VWAnalyzer and get an in-depth understanding of Campbell Scientific’s patented technology VSPECT and how it can enhance asset owners’ experience by extending sensors life span while ensuring data accuracy and reliability.

The training course is taught by Campbell Scientific application experts. Class size is limited to ensure personalized instruction and assistance. Hands-on programming exercises and course handouts are used to reinforce the concepts covered by the instructors.

Course fees include the use of a CR6 datalogger, VWAnalyzer, computer, and all required peripherals and sensors. Lunch will be provided all course days.

A brief course outline is listed below:

  • Sensors and sensor output types
  • Automated data-acquisition overview
  • Datalogger introduction and specifications
  • LoggerNet software
  • ShortCut program generator
  • Introduction to programming with CRBasic
  • Create and test programs for thermocouples, thermistors, piezometers, tilt meters, strain gages, and crack meters
  • Remote communication options
  • Power budgeting
  • Data visualization

The course is taught over four days, Monday-Thursday (30 hours).  Course will be completed by Thursday at 3:00 p.m. Campbell Scientific will provide certificates for attendees to apply for 3 CEUs (continuing education units). It is the responsibility of the trainee to verify that the course meets the qualifying criteria of their regulatory agency and to report course attendance to their regulatory agency.

Occasionally, a class may not meet our low-enrollment requirements (five-person minimum). In such cases, we reserve the right to cancel the class session, and any training fees already paid will be refunded. We will provide ten-day notice if a class is canceled.


On the training website confirm seat availability, click on the Register link, then complete and submit the registration form. You will receive a notification, via email, that your registration form has been received. You are not registered until you have received an email confirmation. Someone will contact you regarding payment.

Event Details
Seats Available: 10
Date: January 27-30, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Logan, UT
Cost: $1700 USD per attendee
CEU: 2
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