LoggerNet Linux provides a solution for those who want to run the LoggerNet server in a Linux environment. The package includes a Linux version of the LoggerNet server. A Windows version of LoggerNet Remote is required. The Windows-based client applications in LoggerNet Remote are run on a separate computer, and they are used to manage the LoggerNet Linux server.
A copy of the current software license for use agreement for LoggerNet Linux is available in the LoggerNet for Linux Instruction Manual.
Read MoreLoggerNet Linux provides a solution for those who want to run the LoggerNet server in a Linux environment. The package includes a Linux version of the LoggerNet server. A Windows version of LoggerNet Remote is required. The Microsoft Windows-based client applications in LoggerNet Remote are run on a separate computer, and are used to manage the LoggerNet Linux server.
Note: LoggerNet Linux requires LoggerNet Remote, which is available on the Ordering Info page.
Note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.
Product | Compatible | Note |
KonectPBRouter |
Product | Compatible | Note |
KonectGDS |
The disk with the LoggerNet Linux Server contains a Debian distribution and a Red Hat RPM distribution. Each distribution includes a 64-bit version.
LoggerNet Remote is required for use with LoggerNet Linux. The LoggerNet Remote clients used to manage the LoggerNet Linux server run on an Intel-based computer with a Microsoft Windows operating system. The LoggerNet Remote clients run on Windows 10 and 11.
The LoggerNet server provides communications with the data loggers over various mediums including serial ports, TCP/IP connections, and Linux compatible phone modems.
Operating System | Windows 11 or 10 (for LoggerNet Remote) |
RPM Distribution | Red Hat (64 bit) |
Debian Distribution | 64 bit |
Number of FAQs related to LoggerNet Linux: 5
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